This article serves as a guide for workshop designers, outlining a series of steps that will take you from the initial idea to the final plan for a learning design.
The most common learning formats used for the pre-play-prep before a larp are: workshop, exercise, and briefing. The WEB model described below is a visual tool in two parts, created to define, distinguish, and summarize these three types of learning…
Whereas a blockbuster larp might be compared to attending a Broadway show one time, a hamburger larp is the pub you go to after work, or the community center at which you meet your friends on weekends.
International larp is a tremendous thing, and it deserves to thrive and grow. But not at the expense of the Nordic larp that it borrows so heavily from.
All those who are active in the field of larp, as organisers or players, have to face the fact that needs arising from diversity have to be recognised and accommodated. It is irrelevant whether a person is disabled or not:…
Compared to free player-driven contact creation, contact design by the organisers is a stronger promise to me and other players struggling with uncertainty on whether we too will be relevant and included.