Nordic Larp

Six Levels of Substitution

Six Levels of Substitution

The Behaviour Substitution Model You are gliding over the parquet, in a constant battle over who’s in charge. You lock eyes and tighten your grip pulling your partner just a bit closer. Your posture and precise footwork radiate confidence. Other…
Returning to the Real World

Returning to the Real World

Debriefing After Role-playing Games Debriefing is a somewhat controversial topic in role-playing communities today. While some individuals feel that games should remain distinct from the mundane world and debriefing is an unnecessary complication, many role-players have grown concerned about difficulties…
A Tsunami of Testimonies

A Tsunami of Testimonies

Kristin Nilsdotter Isaksson has written an article, translated from Swedish by Charlie Charlotta Haldén, on the ongoing discussions about sexual assault within the Swedish larp community. On June 17, 2014, a new Facebook group was created for Swedish-speaking larpers who…