For Knutepunkt 2017, we held a workshop for people who wanted to avoid or limit their drinking, which included optional blue ribbon pins to signal sobriety.
Convention of Thorns is an official White Wolf Nordic-style Vampire: the Masquerade larp. The first run was held between October 27-30, 2016 at Zamek Książ, a castle in Poland. The larp was a joint collaboration between White Wolf and Dziobak…
Legion, or Legie as it is called in its original language, is a Czech larp that had already had six runs by the time the international run was played, and is a game for 54 pre-written characters, both soldiers and…
A classic program item at Knutepunkt is the “All the mistakes I’ve done” session. At Knutpunkt 2014 we once more got larp designer and producers to tell some of their dark secrets. Sharing mistakes this round was Juhana Pettersson, Anna-Karin…
What’s up in the Brazilian larp scene? In this session from Knutpunkt 2014, Wagner Luiz Schmit talks about how Nordic Larp has influenced parts of Brazilian larps. The video is unfortunately cut short in the end. Debate about the recent…
In this great talk at Knutpunkt 2014, larpwright Eirik Fatland give a very good breadown of larp design. Why do people do the stuff they do at larps, and how can you make them do other, more interesting, things? Characters!…
How can we create a spatial experience with which we design the player experience? Jonas Trier-Knudsen & Troels Barkholt-Spangsbo hosted this session at Knutpunkt 2014 where several organizer shared their best practices and experiences in short talks. The video is…