has a video production team based in Gothenburg, Sweden. We try to attend different larp meet-ups and conferences like Knutepunkt and Prolog to make reports and interview interesting people about larp.
You can find all our videos on our YouTube channel. Please press like on the videos you enjoy and subscribe to channel if you want to keep updated:
How We Can Help You
We don’t only make videos, we help others create for their larps. We can help you film larp trailers, stream talk events, document panels, etc. We have the equipment and the knowledge how to make your ideas look good.
How You Can Help Us
Since we do this in our free time and it’s very expensive with camera gear and traveling around for larps and cons we want your help!
If you can cover expenses for travel and participation for your event in some way we can help you with documentation. As long as we retain rights to the material we produce we’re happy to share it with you.
Donate is made with love for the international larp community and paid for out of pocket by us. Every penny helps and we’re very thankful for your support. The simplest way to donate is through Patreon:
Amazon Wish List
If you’re feeling extremely generous you could buy items from our Amazon Wish List to help us make even better looking and sounding videos: