

This site has been a while in the making. There have been many different pages, forums, resources and places for nordic style larp online. This has been frustrating to many people who want to get more knowledge and meet other people to discuss the nordic style. To remedy this we started the Nordic Larp Wiki after the Solmukohta 2012 conference.

The Wiki was nice but not perfect. It’s a place for documentation but it lacks spaces for news reporting, links and discussion. Now I’ve started this page to cover those bases. The structure is thought out as follow:

Nordic Larp Blog – A public site targeting both those in the scene and people outside it who want to keep up with current events. Links to interesting blog posts, games, etc.

Nordic Larp Wiki – A more in depth source for documentation and knowledge, also targeted wide. Our own encyclopedia about nordic larp.

Nordic Larp Forum – The place to discuss nordic larp. Slightly less wide target audience. This is mostly thought as a place for those in the scene to discuss.

Hopefully this site can the be hub for news, knowledge and discussion about nordic style larp. Please be patient while we sort out the kinks and get the visual style more coherent.

If you want to write for the blog, be an admin or moderator for the forum or wiki, or contribute in any other way, please contact us at:

Yours truly, Johannes Axner

Become a patron at Patreon!


Johannes Axner is a Swede who loves to play and design larps, build community and blow things up. Creator and Editor in Chief of Nordiclarp.org.