Solmukohta 2020 Just Breathe 2021-01-28 0 Jojjon Hamrén We should learn to use mindfulness as a way to steer our own play and to be more aware of here and now.
Solmukohta 2020 Scary New Things 2021-01-25 0 Ruska Kevätkoski The trick to doing scary things is finding ways to maintain a sense of security and control when taking the plunge.
Solmukohta 2020 Heuristics for Larp 2021-01-21 0 Magnar Grønvik Müller Monica Hjort Traxl Moyra Turkington Evan Torner Karin Edman Elina Gouliou Simon Rogers Elin Dalstål Jeffrey Mann Elvira Andemore Michael Freudenthal Heuristic techniques help us reduce the load of decision making. They’re especially useful when it’s not possible (or just not worth the time it would take) to find an optimal solution. They are mental shortcuts that are generally good enough.
Solmukohta 2020 Personal Perspectives 2021-01-18 0 Elisa Tognari Hanne Grasmo Suus Mutsaers Jasmin Lade Ada-Maaria Hyvärinen Kaisa Vitikainen Berber Wierda Kathaleen Amende Julie Artula Mátyás Hartyándi Ruska Kevätkoski Short articles giving personal perspectives on play situations.
Solmukohta 2020 Steering for Survival 2021-01-14 0 Jonaya Kemper Eleanor Saitta Johanna Koljonen Larp as a medium can tell serious and nuanced stories, but doing so requires us to be brave together.
Solmukohta 2020 Building a Fail-Safe 2021-01-11 0 Anne Serup Grove This is a tool to give yourself a place to rest but do so in character rather than leave the game.
Solmukohta 2020 After an Overstep 2021-01-07 0 Anne Serup Grove This piece focuses on effective apologizing and personal growth, as opposed to ‘just saying sorry’.
Solmukohta 2020 Rituals of Being 2021-01-04 0 Anne Serup Grove Rituals can be used as a tool to get a feel of your character before the game and to get or stay in tune with them during the game.