Just a Little Lovin’ 2013 in Denmark, Sign Up Open

Just a Little Lovin’ 2013 in Denmark, Sign Up Open

Sign up for Just a Little Lovin’ 5-10th of August in Denmark has now opened. This is a game for 60 people about the early years of the AIDS epidemic. It will be played in English. This is the third year in row that the game is being held, with previous runs in Norway and Sweden.

The organizers describe the game as such:


1982: It was the summer AIDS came to New York City
Two group of friends from New York City celebrate the 4th of July in upstate New York. The 1970s have been a decade of women’s liberation, youth rebellion, anti-war protests and sexual promiscuity. This changed America forever, but the early 1980s is also a time of a resurging conservative movement which President Ronald Reagan is the sunny face of. Gay men are migrating to New York to become part of the vibrant and hedonistic scene in Greenwitch Village. Unbeknownst to everyone however the HIV virus has started spreading in the city. An article in the New York Times last summer described a mysterious “gay cancer”, but it’s cause remains still unknown.

During the larp we play three 4th of July partys of 1982, 1983 and 1984. Every morning after breakfast there is an act break where we find out what has happened with the characters and their relationships the following year before the next act starts one year later. When the game starts neither the players nor the characters know who will become infected by the virus, but the lives of all the characters will be deeply effected by the epidemic. Our goal for the game is that all the characters will have friendships that are important to them, experience a little bit of lovin’ at the summer parties and feel the fear of death as people around them start to become infected.

Read more and sign up here:

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Johannes Axner is a Swede who loves to play and design larps, build community and blow things up. Creator and Editor in Chief of Nordiclarp.org.