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This book provides a brief glimpse of larps, people, ideas and discussions crossing international borders. What is it like, being a larper in another country, and what difficulties might arise when re-running your game somewhere else? What tools and experiences are available, and what might we learn from each other?

In line with the very first publication from Knutepunkt, The Book (2001: 4), we do believe that “openness towards each other, enabling new impulses from fellow larpers to cross borders, will take us further”. In view of this, we would also like to focus some attention on the important discussions about what Knutepunkt is, for whom it is intended and what it should encompass. We have gathered some of this year’s quotes from several fora, hoping that they will remind us to continue debating, and continue evolving.

Katrine Øverli Svela and Karete Jakobsen Meland


To be updated


The official Knutepunkt book series

For the conference, four Knutepunkt-books was published as The official Knutepunkt books series of Knutepunkt 2013. The other three where:

Video presentation

Presentation about the The official Knutepunkt books series of Knutepunkt 2013 with the editors, interviewed by Johanna Koljonen at the Nordic Larp Talks 2013.

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