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'''Claus Raasted'''(b. June 19, 1979), sometimes known as the "king of Danish kid's larp," serves as the editor-in-chief of Denmark's roleplaying magazine ROLLE|SPIL and has created, run, and organized numerous larps. He is was the news editor of [[Playground Magazine]], runs has been the Chairman of Rollespilsfabrikken (The Roleplaying Factory ) in Copenhagensince 2005, and owns runs a factory for fabricating latex weaponscompany that provides larps to schools, libraries, companies, labor unions, churches and everything in between.
In 2012 he gave one of the [[Nordic Larp Talks]], titled "Larpification," about how organizers should simply use the word "larp" rather than other vaguer terms such as "interactive theater", "indrama" or other such terms."
In March 2013, he started hosting a podcast called The Roleplaying Academy podcast, that deals with a broad spectrum of larp-related issues.
== Personal Life ==
Claus is originally from Roskilde, Denmark, but spent three years in Seattle, USA from 1984 - 1987 during his childhood. After returning to Denmark, his parents gave him the Red Box (Dungeons & Dragons Basic Set) in 1987. Larpwise he started out at Gastars Weekend VI in january 1993, and has been active as a player since then and as an organizer since 1995.
In 2004 - 2005 Claus was part of the reality TV football team "FC Zulu", where he served as team captain for two years.
In 2009 he married Marie Louise Flindt Herløvsen, and added "Herløvsen" to his official name, though he still goes by 'Claus Raasted'.
Since 2006 the couple have been public advocates for open relationships, and have appeared in national media in both Denmark and Norway to talk about open relationships.
There's a 2010 documentary about Claus and Marie's relationship called "Det er så yndigt at følges ad" (It's so lovely to travel together), produced by Swedish filmmaker Maria Bäck.
== Books/Magazines ==
* Author: [[Opskrifter på rollespil til skoler og institutioner]] [[2013]]
* Producer/Layouter: [[The Book of Mad About the Boy (2012 US version)]] [[2013]]
* Writer: [[Innersuit]] [[2013]]
* Producer: [[Evighedens Dal: et rollespil om pingviner]] [[2012]]
* Editor/Producer/Layouter: [[The Book of KAPO]] [[2012]]
* Editor/Producer/Layouter: [[The Book of The White War]] [[2012]]
* Author/Producer/Layouter: [[Arrangørtips: Råd til Rollespilsarrangører]] [[2012]]
* Editor/Producer: [[Playground Magazine]] #5 - [[2012]] -
* Producer/Layouter: [[Scenariebogen: 9 fremragende danske rollespilsscenarier 2006 - 2010]] [[2011]]
* Editor/Producer/Layouter: [[Talk Larp - Provocative Writings from KP2011]], the [[2011]] [[Knutepunkt-books]]
* Producer/Layouter: [[Think Larp - Academic Writings from KP2011]], the [[2011]] [[Knutepunkt-books]]
* Producer/Layouter: [[Do Larp - Documentary Writings from KP2011]], the [[2011]] [[Knutepunkt-books]]
* Editor/Producer: [[ROLLE|SPIL]] #1 - [[2010]] -
* Editor/Producer/Layouter: [[10 historier fra Rollespilsdanmark]] [[2010]]
* Author/Producer: [[Jarkwelt - en verden til rollespil]] [[2009]]
* Author/Producer/Layouter: [[Rollespilsfotos 2008 / Larp photos 2008]] [[2009]]
* Author: [[Rollespil for børn og voksne]] [[2004]]
* Author/Producer/Layouter: [[Celesco - en verden til rollespil]] [[2000]]
== Articles on Larp ==
* ''Mistakes I've Made' - article in [[States of Play: Nordic Larp Around the World]] in the [[Solmukohta]] [[2012]] [[Knutepunkt-books]]
* Contributed to ''So you want a larp revolution' - article in the [[Odraz book]] [[2012]]* ''Rollespil i Rude Skov: Changing the world one sword at a time' - article in [[Nordic Larp]] [[2010]]* ''The Pedro Effect' - article in [[Talk Larp - Provocative Writings from KP2011Hinter den kulissen]][[2009]]* ''The bigger, better, more problem' - article in [[Lifelike]] in the [[2011Knudepunkt]] [[2007]] [[Knutepunkt-books]] == Organizer: Conventions ==* Knudepunkt 2011 (2011)* European Larp Convention (2009)* Forum 2008 (2008)* Knudepunkt 2007 (2007)* Knudepunkt 2003 (2003)* Forum 2 (2001) == Organizer: International larps ==* Sweet Home Alabama (2013, in production)* Panopticorp re-make (2013, in production)* What are you worth: Discovery Channel Edition (2013)* A day in Rude Skov (2011)* City of Cities (2010)* Vaterland (2009)* It's better to die for the Emperor (2008)* Motherland (2008) == Organizer: Danish one-shot larps ==* Rollespilsugen på Bornholm (2012)* Deja Vu (2012)* Krigslive VIII (2012)* Elementernes Kamp I - III (2010 - )* Gudfader (2009)* Østfrontens Helte I - V (2008 - 2010)* 2091: Ikke alle ørne kan flyve (2008)* Dengang i Warhammer (2008)* "VII: Utugt" (2008)* "VII: Vrede" (2008)* "VII: Griskhed" (2008)* "VII: Hovmod" (2008)* Hjerte rimer på Smerte I - IV (2007 - 2011)* Der findes intet alternativ til sejr (2007)* Krigslive III (2007)* Piratlive I - II (2006 - 2007)* Troldmandens Prøve: Et dungeon crawl (2006)* Tilbage til Djævleøen (2005)* Gastars Weekend XI: Rub, stub og to rygende troldmænd (2003)* Pherano i Flammer (2000)* Legendernes Tid I - VII (1999 - 2004)* Belejringen af Tentagel (1998) == Organizer: Danish larp campaigns == * Fata Morgana campaign (2008)* Roskill! campaign (2006 - 2008)* En sang om blod og tårer (2006)* Amager Fælled campaign (2005 - 2006)* Rude Skov campaign (2004 - )* FALROS (2003)* Nordlenets Saga campaign (2002 - 2003)* Pheranos Gader I - III (1999)* Den Pelosianske Strid I - IV (1998 - 1999)* DEFCON42! - DEFCCON33! (1995 - 1998)
==External Links==
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* [http:// Playground Magazine]
[[Category:People|Raasted, Claus]]

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