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[[File:VivienGrimm.jpg|thumb|Photo of Vivien Grimm]]
Vivien Grimm (she/they) is a queer larpwright and producer based in Chicago, Illinois. She is the director of [[Grimmoire Productions]].

Her first independent blockbuster larp was [[Lies & Liability]], but she’s written and worked on several other projects. The IDGN Award Nominated A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Toontown, Golden Cobra game Good Morning, as well as dozens of games at conventions such as InterCon, GenCon, and BeCon. She has staffed [[New World Magischola]], [[Uncanny Valley]], and [[Project Ascension]]. She is Communications Chair for [[BeCon]] and on the programming panel for [[InterCon]]. She is a cosplayer by night and a museum director by day.<ref></ref>
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== Larps ==

* [[Lies & Liability]]
* [[Hawkins]]


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