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Template:Larp Delirium was a game run in Viborg Tinghal, Denmark, 22nd-25th of July 2010. The Game was designed by Rasmus Høgdall, Peter Schønnemann Andreasen, Kristoffer Thurøe, Peter Munthe-Kaas, Jesper Heebøll and Mathias Kromann.


Delirium was a live action roleplaying game about love and madness. It was aimed at grown up players and handled themes like relationships, feelings, perceptions of reality and the power structures in society.

The game culture, characters and relations were created during 5 days of workshops. Here the organizers used facilitation and improv methods, to make the player group a trusting ensemble that developed the scenario together.

Delirium used theatre lighting, sound and props to create a surrealistic setting. The idea was that the players shouldn’t play mad but that the interaction with the scenography would make them feel mad.


The production had 36 players in one game of 42 hours.


Video presentation

Presentation about the by Peter Schønnemann Andreasen - Fabricating Madness from Nordic Larp Talks 2011.

Video documentation

Video documentary about the game.

External Links