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A '''meta -technique''' is a loose term encapsulating various rules and narrative tools/practices which are carried out by players rather than characters but still part of the improvisational flow, such as the [[black box]], the [[monologue]], and [[shadows]]. The term started gaining in popularity and use in 2007, during the preparatory work with [[En stilla middag med familjen]], and in talks and workshops the following year at [[Solmukohta 2008]].
The exact definition of meta -techniques has been hotly debated, the usage varies in scope and clarity across the board. In the broadest usage of the word it covers nearly any game mechanic in a Nordic Larp, while another usage put meta -techniques as a direct opposite to game mechanics. One clearer defintion of meta -techniques states:
''Communication in the game - between the players and not the characters or additional story that doesn’t fit in to the game time and space continuum''
=== Three level model ===
One usage divides game mechanics into three levels: ''Replacement rules'', ''abstractions'' and ''meta -techniques''.
'''Replacement rules''' are when a concept in the fiction is replaced with or simulated by something else. I.e. a boffer sword replaces a real sword. Sex is simulated by neck-massage. The player and the character experiences the same thing differently.
'''Meta techniques''' in this definition are not experienced by the characters, only between players. It is an event taking place completely outside the continuity of play.
== Intrusive versus discrete meta -techniques ==
The off-game character of metatechniques means that they can easily interrupt play. Some are very easy to hide or can be used away from other players, some are performed by one or more players during the game and some require the entire game to stop while they are implemented.
Intrusive techniques can make big gaps in a [[360° illusion]].
== Purpose of meta -techniques ==The reasons for using meta -techniques is most often to provide players with information they would not be able to gather while playing their characters. This could for example be information provided by other players about their characters, directions from a gamemaster or additional story outside the game's time and space. The ultimate goal of the this is commonly to increase the emotional energy of play and increase the dramatic potential.
==Meta techniques and player preference==
Meta techniques are a hallmark of tabletop play which requires narration and abstraction for the in-game events and elements to be represented. Play styles derived from larp often encourage greater resistance to the use of meta -techniques since they may provide a break from and a contrast with the experienced story. Play derived from tabletop play can be more robust and fluid in the presence of meta -techniques. Player preference may be related to common or first exposure.
== Dramachanics ==
==Video documentations==
Presentation about Meta techniques and the use of them through [[The Mixing Desk of Larp]] by [[Petter Karlsson]] at the [[Larpwriter Summer School]] [[2013]]. The first few minutes is a presentation and demonstration about what a meta -technique is.
''A technique that give more information about the story events to the players than they get through the experiences of their characters.''