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* 1994 - [[Vikinglaiven]] ([[The larp of the vikings]]) - Set to the era of the ancestor of the ancient kings of Norway, Halfdan Svarte (Halfdan the Black).
* 1995 - [[Pestlaiven]] ([[The larp of the black death]]) - Based on old norwegian folktraditions and faeries.
* 1996 - [[Bronsealderlaiven]] ([[The larp of the bronzeage]])- Matriarchical bronzeage society where the male clanleader needs to be sacrificed through a series of rituals
* 1997 - [[Et vintereventyr]] - ([[A winters fairytale]]) - First pan-nordic Larp ever, organised parallell to the first [[Knutepunkt]])
* 1998 - no traditional Winterlarp this year, instead [[1944]] was organised as the first 2nd Wordwar larp (many similarities in playing style)
