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added description and contents. linked to downloadables.
or "'''The Costume Grinch - how to hack costume larps". Talk ''' was a talk held at [[Knutpunkt 2018]] by [[Anne Serup Grove]] and [[Kerstin Örtberg]].  The talk offered a key and methodology on how to approach and deal with era and aesthetic specific costume requirements. Although focussing on different eras, the methodology is not aimed at any specific one and can be used to identify core details that is needed to embody to create the visual feel of the era in question. The aim is to give the listening ideas on how to go about placing the costuming bar to the level they are comfortable with at any given time.   Following the talk the article '''Fake It and Make It''' was published the Solmukohta 2020 book [[What Do We Do When We Play?|''What Do We Do When We Play?'']] , also written by Grove and Örtberg. <br />==Contents== *Who & what*The four approaches*The 5 bullet method *What to analyze: Examples of eras, historic and modern*Short cuts and cross overs*Examples:**Re-design: from 80s to 1910's dress**No-sew 2nd hand**From text **Accessories **Alterations*Where to find <br />==Downloads== *[ Presentation slides] *[ Cheat sheet]


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