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Nathan Hook is a British larp designer and academic.

Nathan first became involved in the Nordic scene with Dragonbane in 2006, for which he wrote parts of the culture briefings and metaphysics. He regularly attends Knutpunkt and Fastaval.

Nathan is currently a distance PhD student at Tampere University, Finland, researching identity theory in roleplaying. Prior to this, he compeleted MSc Psychological Research Methods with the Open University, UK with a dissertation researching larpers.

Nathan has published 4 scenario books, developing psychodrama scenarios as a form, drawing inspiration from psychological models to create replayable freeforms with strong emotional play. He has also published Heart's Blood, a literary scenario adapting Dracula to jeepform. His books are available online from

He presented in the 2014 Nordic larp talks In April 2014, he co-organised an international run of Pan.

In May 2015, he published the board game Magus.