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I started larping in 1989, at the age of 15, in the Sollentuna group. On my first larp, "Första Liven" I was the only woman to participate. However, I got hooked and continued to go to all Sollentuna larps in the early 90s. In 1995 I joined the editor board of Fëa Livia and in 1997 I became editor in chief. In 1998 I was part of the organizing committee of Knutpunkt in Stockholm. I decided to leave Fëa in early 1999 as I wanted to concentrate on the organizing of Knappnålshuvudet in October 1999. After that I was co-organizer of Mellan Himmel och Hav in 2003 and the country contact for the Nordic Larp Book for which I also wrote two articles. The last few years, I have only contributed to larping as participant and I enjoy playing in all sorts of genres.