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Hunger is portrayed by being hungry, fighting by actually fighting, being hurt by being hurt, and falling in love as a character by falling in love as a player. The [[bleed]] concept is meaningless when applied to hardcore larping, as the player consciously tries to dissolve all distinction between player and character.
== limits Limitations and framework ==
The [[kutt]] and [[brems]] rules are usually the only limits to how far a player may go when playing hardcore, though common sense obviously applies and players often spend a long time talking through their personal limits and establishing trust before entering a hardcore larp.
As hardcore is defined by players simulating ''less'' than what is considered normal in a particular larp tradition, the threshold of what is considered hardcore will vary from group to group and time to time.
Larp organizers may declare that a particular larp is meant to be played in a hardcore style, though it is more often an option availble to those players who choose it, or an approach chosen by players irrespective of the wishes of organizers and co-players.
== motivation ==
