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Added link to 2016 Analog Game Studies article
How does your larp look? Do you aim for a [[360º]], where everything the players see around them is part of the larp? Or do you use a minimalist approach, where you only pay attention to the
 * [[360º]]
==Character Creation Responsibility==
Who creates the characters? Do the organizers write them? Do the players? Or maybe they are created together during a pre-game workshop? Combinations of these are also possible; for example, where the organizers create the characters, but the players develop them during a workshop before the larp. Player-created characters might make the players more attached to the characters and relieves the organizers of some of the work. On the other hand, organizer-created characters might make it easier to create a setting and fiction coherent with your vision.
Do you use elements from the players’ real lives in the game (close to home), or do you deliberately try to create a barrier or distance (differentiation) between the character and player? Using the players’ own experiences or background might create a stronger emotional experience, but also has its downsides: making the game less larp and more reality. It can divert focus from the story and the emotions the story creates to the emotions the players bring with them into the game. Taken to the extreme, you might have the players play themselves, just in an alternative setting. Are you willing to lessen the player-character divide?
 * [[Bleed]]
[[Meta-technique]]s are techniques for giving information to the players, but not the characters, during the game. Examples can be “inner” [[monologues]] that are played out during the larp. The players can hear these, the characters cannot, but nonetheless, they can be an aid for creating stronger drama. If meta-techniques are used in a game, they might be intrusive or discrete. Examples of intrusive meta-techniques are techniques that force all other players to stop while it happens, while a more discrete technique might be, for example, having access to a special room where players can go to act out scenes from the past or the future. This fader illustrates the combination of the amount of meta-techniques used and their degree of intrusiveness.
 * [[Meta-technique]]
==Player Pressure==
Some possible faders that have been discussed, for example in the Knutepunkt 2013 book article is
 * Representation of time (Chronology)* Player freedom (Sand box vs. railroading)* Random elements* Degree of pervasiveness
==Video Presentation==
 * [ Programme for Larpwriter Summer School 2012]
==External Links==
 * [ Filmed fader-talks from the Larpwriter Summer School 2013]* [ Filmed fader-talks from the Larpwriter Summer School 2012]* [ Photoshop File for editing your own Mixing Desk]* [ The article about the Mixing Desk from the 2013 Knutepunkt-book]*[ Review article in ''Analog Game Studies'' about the history and current state of the Mixing Desk, 2016]
[[Category:Concepts|Mixing Desk of Larp]]
