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The sentence will appear as following (if "article" is not specified, it will just print the word article):

This "subject" "article" "qualifier" is lacking important information and/or too short.

Syntax for use:

|image=Icon image to show next to message, will be resized to 40x32px and defaults to "NordicLarpWiki.png"
|iamgealt=Alternate text for image, will default to "Stub image"
|article=Article type, will default to "article"
|subject=Subject, will default to an empty string
|qualifier=Qualifier, will default to an empty string
|category=Stub Category, will default to "Stub"
|category1=Second Stub Category, will default to none
|category2=Third Stub Category, will default to none

Real world example:

|qualifier=about a Swedish larp
|category=Game Stubs


Stub icon

This article is lacking important information and/or is too short. You can help Nordic Larp Wiki by expanding it.