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Setting and Themes

Simbelmyne was set in Tolkiens Middle-Earth, in Northern Rhovanion 500 years before the War of the Ring, and focused on the Éothéod, ancestors of the Rohirrim. Thematically the larp was about honor and the good and evil in mens hearts.


The yearly midsummer council was convened to elect a new Thegn, a chieftain for the Aethelingas and Maelingas family lines, since the old Thegn died recently. What was supposed to be a happy occasion turned sombre and dark as lies, broken oaths and foul murder came to light.



Video presentation

Presentation about the project by Jonatan Gedda, Björn Axén and Sebastian Utbult at Prolog 2013.

Short video report by Mikael Anderson at Inlajv.

External links