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I met roleplaying around 1985(?) when a copied version of Drakar och Demoner started circulating in Sweden{{Infobox person|name= Per Wetterstrand|image=PerW. In the late 80-thies I discovered freeform and all the roleplaying conventions in png|nationality=Sweden. I joined a role playing |organization (={{Unbulleted list|[[Silversagan) in Gothenburg that became my inspiration for several years. We made one bigger LARP (Usedoms källa) and several small ones. Then we started another organizantion called ]]|[[ULF]] (Ulricehamns LiveFörening) to facilitate a legandary serie of LARP set in a Swedish Lovecraftian 1920 enviroment. 1993 * |[[Wynja]]|[[Interaktiva Uppsättningar]]|[[Usedoms källaVi åker jeep]] (|[[SilversaganSkyrmion]]) }}}}'''Per Wetterstrand''' is a Swedish larper, roleplayer, larpwright, educational game designer and teacher.
1994 == Author ==* Gyllenstiärnas Gästabud (Some articles in [[ULFStrapatS]]) 1995 * Nemesis Divina (UlF)
1996 * Väntan vid Tallmyr == Larpwright (Per Wetterstrand) * Den Dödsdömde (teather play) ([[Silversagan]]designer/co-designer) ==
* [[Usedoms källa]] (1993) * [[Gyllenstiärnas Gästabud]] (1994)* [[Nemesis Divina]] (1995/96?)* [[Väntan vid Tallmyr]] (1996)* [[Wynja 1]] (1997 )* [[Wynja spel 1 2]] (1998)* [[Wynja3]] (1998)* [[OB7]] (2002)* [[Natt på varuhuset]] (2010) * [[Skyrmion]] (2011) * Dr Caligaris Kabinett Art Horror Experience [[F]] (Röda Sten2011)
1998 == Contributing organizer ==* Wynja spel 2-3 [[Det sista kapitlet]] (Wynja1998)
1999 == Plays and similar works ==* Den Dödsdömde (theatre play) (1996) * Dr Caligaris Kabinett Art Horror Experience (1997) * Timmarna med Rita (theater theatre play) (Folkteatern1999)
2001 == Roleplaying scripts ==* [[Kongo - In the rear mirror ]] (Jeepen2001)  2002 * OB7 [[Samtal]] (Interaktiva Uppsättningar)  2007 * The meeting (The Swedish Church)  2008 * Conversations (Jeepen)  2008 * Du, jag och klimatfrågan (GR Experiential Learning) * Ekosteg (GR Experiential Learning) * Tänk om! (GR Experiential Learning) * The Hunt - location based GPS Game (GR Experiential Learning) * Math game X - Mobile Game on math (GR Experiential Learning)  2009 * Historic Walks - location based GPS Game (GR Experiential Learning) * Ett litet steg om klimat (GR Experiential Learning) * Here or There - on EU issues (GR Experiential Learning)  2010 * Natt på varuhuset (Per Wetterstrand) * HIV - En kort simulering av HIV-viruset (GR Experiential Learning) * Murder in the Library (GR Experiential Learning)  2011 Skyrmion (Skyrmion) * F (LajvVerkstaden)
[[category:People|Wetterstrand== Educational Game Designer (designer/co-designer) ==* Du, Per]]jag och klimatfrågan (2008) * Ekosteg (2008) * Tänk om! (2008) * The Hunt - location based GPS Game (2008) * Math game X - Mobile Game on math (2008) * Historic Walks - location based GPS Game (2009) * Ett litet steg om klimat (2009) * Here or There - on EU issues (2009) * HIV - En kort simulering av HIV-viruset (2010) * Murder in the Library (2010)[[categoryCategory:Sweden|Wetterstrand, PerPeople]]

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