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A Game master is the person running the game. It is sometimes synonymous with Organizer, Larpwrite, Designer and/or Producer- however "game master" implies that the person is actually physically (or via for instance telepresence) present at the larp ("running things"), while a larpwrite, designer or producer might not even partake in the larp.
==Runtime Game Mastering==
===Diegeting Game Mastering===
Affecting the game by introducing story elements in to the fiction of the game during the running of a game. For instance by in-game mail or phone calls, or directing NPCs etc.
===Non-diegetic Game Mastering===
Affecting the game by braking breaking the fiction in some kindway. <br>
A person whom is directly directing the action of a game by cutting the game or giving impulses and [[Narrative Voice Overs]], usually in a [[black box]], [[Freeform]] or [[Jeepform]] game, can be called Director, Narrator, Game master (or GM) or Facilitator.
