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→‎top: added {{strong}} and {{var}} for semantic HTML
{{{1|Names for footnotes and groups must follow these rules:}}}
* Names are case-sensitive.
* Names {{strong|must not}} be purely numeric; they should have semantic value so that they can be more easily distinguished from each other by human editors.
* Names must be unique—you may not use the same name to define different groups or footnotes.
* Please consider keeping reference names simple and restricted to the standard [[English alphabet]] and numerals. Failing that, including if spaces are used, the following technical restrictions become relevant:
** Quotation marks are optional if the only characters used are letters <code>A–Z</code>, <code>a–z</code>, digits <code>0–9</code>, and the symbols <code style="word-break: break-all;">!$%&()*,-.:;<@[]^_`{|}~</code>. That is, all printable ASCII characters except <code style="word-break: break-all;">#"'/=>?\</code>.
** Inclusion of any other characters, {{em|including spaces}}, requires that the reference name be enclosed in quotes; for example, <code>name="{{var|John Smith}}"</code>.
** The quote marks must be the standard straight keyboard marks (<code>"</code>); curly or other quotes will be parsed as part of the reference name.
** Quote-enclosed reference names may not include a less-than sign (<code><</code>) or a double straight quote symbol (<code>"</code>). These may be escaped with <code>&amp;lt;</code> and <code>&amp;quot;</code>, respectively.{{#if: {{{2|}}}|
* You may optionally provide reference names even when the reference name is not required. This makes later re-use of the sourced reference easier.<noinclude>
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