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{{#ifexpr:{{{1<noinclude>|95</noinclude>}}}>=93 | [{{#switch:{{lc:{{{2}}}}}
| h.amdt. | h.amdt | ha | hamdt | s.amdt. | s.amdt | samt | sa | samdt = amendment
| bill<!--End of first Switch after this-->}}/{{Ordinal|{{{1}}}}}-congress/{{#switch:{{lc:{{{2}}}}}
| h | h. | h.r. | hr = house-bill
| h.res. | h.res | hres | h. res. = house-resolution
| h.j.res | h.jres | h.j.res | hjres. | h.j.res. | h.j. res | h.j.r. | hjr | hj | hjres = house-joint-resolution
| h.con.res. | h.con.res | h. con. res. | h. con. res | hconres. | hconres | hcr | h c r | h con res | hcon = house-concurrent-resolution
| h.amdt. | h.amdt | ha | hamdt = house-amendment
| s. | s = senate-bill
| s.res. | s.res | s. res. | s. res | s res | sr | sres = senate-resolution
| s.j. | s.j | sj | sjr | sjres | sjres. | s.j.res. = senate-joint-resolution
| s.con.res. | s.con.res | s. con. res. | s. con. res | sconres. | sconres | scr | s c r | s con res | scon = senate-concurrent-resolution
| s.amdt. | s.amdt | samt | sa | samdt = senate-amendment
| #default = {{{2}}}<!--End of second Switch after this-->}}/{{{3}}} {{#if:{{{pipe|}}}|{{{pipe|}}}|{{#switch:{{lc:{{{2}}}}}
| h | h. | h.r. | hr = H.R.
| h.res. | h.res | hres | h. res. = H.Res.
| h.j.res | h.jres | h.j.res | hjres. | h.j.res. | h.j. res | h.j.r. | hjr | hj | hjres = H.J.Res.
| h.con.res. | h.con.res | h. con. res. | h. con. res | hconres. | hconres | hcr | h c r | h con res | hcon = H.Con.Res.
| h.amdt. | h.amdt | ha | hamdt = H.Amdt.
| s. | s = S.
| s.res. | s.res | s. res | s. res. | s res | sr | sres = S.Res.
| s.j. | s.j | sj | sjr | sjres | sjres. | s.j.res. = S.J.Res.
| s.con.res. | s.con.res | s. con. res. | s. con. res | sconres. | sconres | scr | s c r | s con res | scon = S.Con.Res.
| s.amdt. | s.amdt | samt | sa | samdt = S.Amdt.
| #default = {{{2}}}<!--End of Switch after this-->}} {{{3}}}{{#if:{{{which|}}}|&nbsp;({{Ordinal|{{{1}}}}} Cong.)|}}<!-- End of If:Pipe after this -->}}<!-- End of External link after this-->]{{#if:{{{site|}}}|&#32;at [[United States Congress|]]}}<!--End of If >93 TRUE after this-->|{{#if:{{{pipe|}}}|{{{pipe|}}}|{{#switch:{{lc:{{{2}}}}}
| h | h. | h.r. | hr = H.R.
| h.res. | h.res | hres | h. res. = H.Res.
| h.j.res | h.jres | h.j.res | hjres. | h.j.res. | h.j. res | h.j.r. | hjr | hj | hjres = H.J.Res.
| h.con.res. | h.con.res | h. con. res. | h. con. res | hconres. | hconres | hcr | h c r | h con res | hcon = H.Con.Res.
| h.amdt. | h.amdt | ha | hamdt = H.Amdt.
| s. | s = S.
| s.res. | s.res | s. res | s. res. | s res | sr | sres = S.Res.
| s.j. | s.j | sj | sjr | sjres | sjres. | s.j.res.
| s.con.res. | s.con.res | s. con. res. | s. con. res | sconres. | sconres | scr | s c r | s con res | scon = S.Con.Res.
| s.amdt. | s.amdt | samt | sa | samdt = S.Amdt.
| #default = {{{2}}}<!--End of Switch after this-->}} {{{3}}}{{#if:{{{which|}}}|&nbsp;({{Ordinal|{{{1}}}}} Cong.)|}}<!-- End of If:Pipe after this -->}}<!--End of If >93 after this-->}}<noinclude>

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