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Dragonbane was a 5-day larp for 325 participants from 15 countries played in a Sweden in July 2006.


It was loosely set in the 'Age of the Storm' setting by Mike Pohjola. Players played villagers from a dragon worshipping village, heroic dragontamers out to liberate the villagers and slay the dragon, and witches seeking the dragon's heart for their own ends.

It was famous for the inclusion of a mechanical dragon, built on top a large forest vehicle.

Articles about it are included in the Knudepunkt books for the years after it (links / details needed) and a large book about it was later published.

The main website is: [1]


Player Fee: 120 Euro

Length: 5 days, plus 1-2 days pre-game workshops

Techniques: simple boffer combat with limited weapons, key word and item (scroll or bottle) based magic system, ars armandi