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→‎Influences: Typo fixing, typos fixed: ten year → ten-year
[[File:Io wiki.jpg|thumb]]inside:outside was influenced by writings of Franz Kafka, Samuel Beckett, George Orwell and Jean-Paul Sartre, as well as films A Clockwork Orange (1971) and The Cube (1997). At the core of the dramaturgy of inside:outside were two dilemmas of game theory:
The Prisoner’s Dilemma: Two people are arrested, but there is not enough evidence against them. They are separated, and the officials offer both a deal. If one testifies against the other, the betrayer goes free and the other gets a ten -year sentence. If neither testifies, both are only sentenced to six months. If they both betray each other, they both get five years. What would you do?
Wolf’s Dilemma: Ten people are put in separate rooms for five minutes. Everyone has a button: If nobody presses the button, everybody gets $100,000. If anybody presses the button, then everyone who did so gets $20,000, but those who didn’t push, don’t get anything. Can you trust the strangers?