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Type 2 Fun describes an experience that is challenging while it's happening, but fun in retrospect.
 The Apparently first used in a larp by [[Markus Montola]] on the Facebook Group Larpers BFF in 2016, the term appears to have originated from the rock climbing community to describe an experience that was objectively awful (cold, dangerous, uncomfortable) at the time, but which the climber enjoyed in retrospect.
"Type 2 is a strange beast, because it isn’t actually fun at the moment. In fact, it feels much like suffering. It’s only after the event, and in reflection, that you come to realize you actually had fun. Wading through chest-deep snow, dirty and loose rock, sketchy approaches, hikes that never seem to end, and anything that offers an overriding sense of doom and despair are clear indications you’re having a Type 2 experience."
A type 2 larp is either one that deals with difficult themes and is likely to provoke negative emotions in characters, or one that is physi
