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'''Edu-larp conference 2016 ''' was held before [[Solmukohta 2016]], in Finland.
Organized by ''Maija Korhonen'' (FIN) & ''Jori Pitkänen'' (FIN)
== '''Program hosts''' ==
''Jakub Doleček'' (CZE) & ''Josef Kundrát'' (CZE)- Edu-larp workshop: Design and Evaluation of Science Edu-larps
''Qla Zetterberg'' as LajvVerkstaden (SWE) - Edu-larp workshop: Workshop and Debrief for beginners, Fish bowl panel: Edularps - Where Are We Now?
== '''Program''' ==
Three edu-larps to choose from
=== Time: 9.30-10.30 ===
Bullying Minilarp
Data Blitz - Short presentations of edu-larp projects in Finland
=== Time: 11.15-12.00 ===
Jupe Rantalainen: X-Men - Hacking Group Dynamics with Mutant Powers
Edu-larp workshops
=== Time: 13.00-14.15 ===
Workshop and Debrief for beginners
Lecture: Edu-larp - A Literature Review
=== Time: 14.30-15.00 ===
Sarah Lynne Bowman
Fish bowl panel: Edularps - Where Are We Now?
=== Time: 15.00-15.45 ===
Panelists: J. Tuomas Harviainen (panel host), Qla Zetterberg, Heikki Koponen, Sarah Lynne Bowman, Martin Nielsen and possibly you!
