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Take two deep breath together, and then start. A sex scene might be simulated in different ways:
* A phallos (dildo or likewise), strapped on or hand held.* Physical contact between hands and arms (ars amandi-like)* Physical contact between the phallos and the participants bodies (hands, hips, legs..)for instance if the sex scene simulates penetration, and you don't have to rub it against genitals* Simulated fucking from behind, grip the others hip or shoulders to help simulate the movements.* Sucking, hold the suckers head, to help simulate the movements (you don't actually have to have the phallus in your mouth).
* ALSO: Feel free to simulate with sounds.
After the sex is over, the player stand up shoulder to shoulder not looking in eachothers eyes. Then every player who participated holds a [[monolouges|monolougue]] where the characters speak out their inner thoughts about the sex that just happened. This information is not heard by the other characters but by the other players and for them to use.
=Example of relevant larps=
[[Just a Little Lovin']] - Where also [[Feather Play]] was used to initiate the scene. It was also used not only to simulate hetero sex but lesbian sex as well
as gay sex. It was also emphasis put to the use of condoms and their disuse in the scenario.
=External links=
* [ Just a Little Lovin’ 2012] Blog post about [[Just a Little Lovin']] 2012 by [[Elin Dahlstål]]
[[Category:Simulation of Sex]]