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==Playing style==
[[Image:Oslo Winterlarps_Playingstyle04.png|thumb|right| Daily life was depicted, friendship and marriage central themes. From Winterlarp 2002 and 1994]]
Being [[360]] degrees larps these concepts avoided [[off-game]] time by for example making it a part of the game to also be [[in character]] when in your underwear requiring people to provide seemingly period underwear, nightcaps and the like. [[Non-diegetic]] items not belonging to the characters environment was banned from the location. This would include watches, flashlights, cameras, walk-mans and after some years beepers and cellphones.
Participant would be [[in character]] also when sleeping, when eating, when visiting toilets. This made almost every location an active part of the game. People were at least trying to be [[in characer]] when in the toilets, in their sleeping quarters and so forth. Since the cabins would be relativily crowded with people it was viewed as limiting to the game that any indoor location should not be a part of the [[diegesis]]. It might not have been a conscious choice of the organisers, but the relatively young playergroup would get so agitated anyway, that it was at this moment in time difficult to upheld a rule of not allowing participants to sneak around other people sleeping, or kidnap people when they went to the traditional outdoor toilets in the dark.
