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Juan Ignacio Ros

Joined 27 January 2015
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'''Juan Ignacio Ros''' is a Spanish writer, larp designer and proponent of the "play to flow" concept. He has experience with mainstream larp, but focuses in experimental high resolution events under fifty participants. He designs larps since 2004 and co-founded "Somnia", the spearhead group for Nordic-style (or progressive) events in Spain.  Larps---------------Robota / Work (2014)Orígenes / Origins (2012)Las Noches de Walpurgis / Walpurgis Nights (2012, second run)La Guillotina de los Sueños / The Guillotine of Dreams (2012)Casual Day (2011, two runs)Las Noches de Walpurgis / Walpurgis Nights (2010, first run)13 (2009)Océanos de sal / Oceans of Salt (2009)Matar a un brujo, un sueño del lejano Zothique / To Kill A Warlock, a Dream of far-flung Zothique (2008, based on Clark Ashton Smith works)Arcanum (2007)El Señor de las Dunas / Lord of the Sand Dunes (2006)Sombras de Alecto / Shadows from Alecto (2006) El precio del hierro / A Price for Iron (2006)Savia derramada / Spilled Sap (2006)Malnegocio / Wrongbusiness (2005) Los fuertes dominan / The Strong Ones Rule (2005)Últimas palabras / Last Words (several runs from 2005 to 2011)El Vergel / The Garden (2004)La Noche de la Bestia / Night of the Beast (2004)