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This is a classic mathematic problem related to organic structures.
(a topic [[Erlend Eidsem Hansen]] studied during his early years in object oriented computer programming.)
Scene structure - the modern interpretation
Bag-of-marbles - Chosing any avaible scene – collecting enough scenes to form a story - also possibly repeating scenes already done in a new way
This relates strongly to what mathematics refer to as Pigeonhole principle.( - Appearantly also it relates to 'database narrative' - this link might give you some more meat on the bone:
An example is this: Presume that in a box there are 10 black socks and 12 blue socks and you need to get one pair of socks of the same colour. Supposing you can take socks out of the box only once and only without looking, how many socks do you have to pull out together? When asked point-blank, people may sometimes unthinkingly give answers such as "thirteen", before realizing that the correct answer is obviously "three". To have at least one pair of the same colour (m = 2 holes, one per colour), using one pigeonhole per colour, you need only three socks (n = 3 objects). Think of the socks as elements of a plot-sequence or as scenes or plot-objectives needed to be achieved.
(compared to fates that explains everything:)
