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Typo fixing, typos fixed: of it's → of its, perfomed → performed, specifc → specific, swedish → Swedish, english → English
The larp follows and intense period in the coven, starting with the arrival of many more untrained witches than expected. Then follows the choosing of a new Supreme to lead the coven via five trials and finally a showdown with witch hunters that have come to kill all the witches.
'''Powers''' Characters had one or more of five different magical powers, each perfomed performed by clearly saying the appropriate keywords/magical incantation beginning with "Alma" and then the name of the power invoked plus sometimes extra information about the specifc specific intent of the magic. The subject of the spell was then responsible for deciding the exact outcome of the magic effect. The five powers were:
* “Alma Mortis” (For the touch of death).
* “Alma Vitalis” (To resurrect the dead or heal the living).
'''[[Wall of Rumours]]''' In the bathrooms large sheets of paper on the walls were set up where players could write out rumours about their own or other characters that they wished to get into play.
'''[[Text Larping]]''' was extensively used by many players to represent friends or family in the outside world as well as various supernatural entities. The remote participants used text messages and online messaging services to send messages and pictures into play. It took on a life of it's its own as many of the contacts were kidnapped and ransomed by the witch hunters.
==Development and productions==
The larp was run first in swedish Swedish and then in englishEnglish.
*[ Blog post with pictures from the english run]

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