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Removed redirect to Jose Castillo Meseguer
'''Jose Castillo Meseguer''' is an international larp organizer. Both as a member of Somnia (the spearhead group The user for Nordic-style/progressive larp in Spain) and by himself. Co-founder of the Spanish larp conference EntreRevs.His larps are highly influenced by the nordic theories.Has organized larps in Spain, Poland and Austria. Larps: 1920 (in progress) Fuenteovejuna (edularp based on a 17th century Spanish theatrical play, in progress) [[la sirena varadaJose Castillo Meseguer]] (the strandled mermaid, 2015 Spain) Antikrimi (Austria 2015) Rojo/Azul (Red/Blue, 2013 and 2014 Spain, 2015 Poland) [[Robota]] ("Labour", 2014) Orígenes ("Origins", 2012) Niria bosque (Niria forest, 2012) Niria Valencia (2011) Niria Granada (2011) Casual Day (2011, two runs) 13 (2009) Océanos de sal ("Oceans of Salt", 2009) Matar a un brujo ("To Kill A Warlock", 2008 - based on Clark Ashton Smith works) El Señor de las Dunas ("Lord of the Sand Dunes", 2006) Savia derramada ("Spilled Sap", 2006) Malnegocio ("Badbusiness", 2005) Los fuertes dominan ("The Strong Ones Rule", 2005) Últimas palabras ("Last Words", several runs from 2005 to 2011) Conferences: EntreRevs 2013 Entrerevs 2014 Entrerevs 2015 (in progress)

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