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'''Knutepunkt''' is an anual annual conference on nordic style larp which has been running since the first event in [[Norway]] in [[1997]]. It cycles through each of the nordic countries as hosts; in [[Sweden]] it's called '''Knutpunkt''', in [[Denmark]] '''Knudepunkt''' and in [[Finland]] '''Solmukohta'''. In English the translation would be ''meeting point'' or ''nodal point''.
==List of Knutepunkts==
== The Knutepunkt-books Books ==
Since [[2001]] (except [[2002]]) the Knutepunkt conferences have been accompanied by books on larp theory generally called the "[[Knutepunkt-books]]".
== Knutepunkt Etiquette ==
Over the years, a number of etiquette conventions have been generally adopted by the Knutepunkt community.
'''Empty Chair Rule'''. When taking the last seat in a table, pull up a new empty chair to signify that more people are welcome to join you.
'''Official Language is English'''. If one foreigner joins your party, everyone should immediately switch to English.
'''One-Hour Parties'''. It is customary that no room party lasts for more than 60 minutes, in order to make sure that the event is dynamic and people keep meeting new people. When Knutepunkt is held in larger cabins, this rule tends to be more relaxed.
'''Deaf Applause'''. During panels, debates and presentations, deaf applause (waving your hands) is preferred over clapping, as it does not interrupt the speakers.
'''Don't Repeat an Argument'''. In heated debates, it is very rarely necessary to repeat an argument expressed by another person. Instead, give room to new arguments.
'''Don't Talk About Your Character'''. While everyone loves to hear about interesting larps, going too subjective makes you a bore.
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