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*Liminal Intimacy: Role-Playing Games as Catalysts for Interpersonal Growth and Relating by [[Sarah Lynne Bowman]] , [[Josephine Baird]] , and [[Kjell Hedgard Hugaas]]
*A Conceptual Model of Bleed: Introducing The Bleed Perception Threshold, the Relational Matrix of Bleed, and Identity Bleed (In press) by [[Kjell Hedgard Hugaas]]
*[ Practicing Dying: How Role-playing Games Can Help Us Accept Death and Boost Our Quality of Life ] by [[Kjell Hedgard Hugaas]]*Envisioning Role-playing Games as Vehicles for Galvanizing Conflict Transformation (In press) by [[Kjell Hedgard Hugaas]] and [[Sarah Lynne Bowman]]*[ Playing Dead: How Role-Play Game Experiences Can Affect Players’ Death Attitude Profiles (DAP-R)] by [[Kjell Hedgard Hugaas]]
==Talks On Larp and Larp Related Topics==
*To AI - The Larp Designers Friend or Foe? - Solmukohta 2024.*Learning from Bleed or Not - Edu-Larp Conference, Tampere Finland, 2024.*Transformative Role-Playing Game Theory - International Game Studies Campfire: Game Studies Campfire, Shanghai China, Mar. 2024.*The Value of Gamification and the Potential of Serious Games - Playful by Design: Transformative Approaches to Game Design, Lisbon 2024.*Philosophies of Psychological Safety in Analog Role-playing Game Discourses - DiGRA Italia 2023*Imagination Is Free: How Tabletop RPGs Are Creating Uncensored Exploratory Play Spaces for Iranian Youth - GENeration Analog 2023*Cultivating a Soulful and Sustainable Academic Journey - Kaunas University's 7th International PhD Summer School 2023*Playing Dead: How Role-Play Game Experiences Can Influence Player's DAP-R - PoP GGC 2023*Playing Dead: How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love Larping Again - KP 2023*Employing Educational Live Action Role-playing Games to Train Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration - Nordic Digra 2023*A Conceptual Model of Bleed: Introducing The Bleed Perception Threshold, the Relational Matrix of Bleed, and Identity Bleed - TPI Seminar 2022*The Transformative Play Initiative: A Research and Education Report - Knutpunkt 2022*Bleed and Identity - Uppsala University - PoP GGC 2022*The Transformative Play Initiative: A Research and Education Report - Portal 2022*Death and Dying in Games - Exploring Age Old Questions of Mortality through Role-playing Games - PCA 2022*Agents Of Empowerment - Gamification for Sustainable Development Symposium 2021*Liminal Intimacy: Role-playing Games as Catalysts for Interpersonal Growth and Relating - Future and Reality Of Gaming 2021*The Transformative Play Initiative - KP 2021*The Final Chapter - Practicing Dying Through Play - KP 2021*The Transformative Play Initiative - Edu-Larp Conference 2021*Roleplaying for transformation - Panel discussion - The KP Magic Book Online Conference 2021*Designing for Transformative Impacts - Keynote Solmukohta 2020*Nordic Larp - A tool for teaching History - TEMA 2019*Fra rolle til karakter - Spillerom 2019*Memetic Bleed - A tool for Societal and Political change - KP 20172019
*A Trinity of Consciousness - KP 2018
*Memetic To Bleed - A tool for Societal and Political change - KP 2019*Fra rolle til karakter - Spillerom 2019*Nordic Larp - A tool for teaching History - TEMA 2019*Designing for Transformative Impacts - Keynote Solmukohta 2020*Roleplaying for transformation - Panel discussion - The KP Magic Book Online Conference 2021*The Transformative Play Initiative - Edu-Larp Conference 2021*The Final Chapter - Practicing Dying Through Play - KP 2021*The Transformative Play Initiative - KP 2021*Liminal Intimacy: Role-playing Games as Catalysts for Interpersonal Growth and Relating - Future and Reality Of Gaming 2021*Agents Of Empowerment - Gamification for Sustainable Development Symposium 2021*Death and Dying in Games - Exploring Age Old Questions of Mortality through Role-playing Games - PCA 2022*The Transformative Play Initiative: A Research and Education Report - Portal 2022*Bleed and Identity - Uppsala University - PoP GGC 2022*The Transformative Play Initiative: A Research and Education Report - Knutpunkt 2022*A Conceptual Model of Bleed: Introducing The Bleed Perception Threshold, the Relational Matrix of or Not to Bleed, and Identity Bleed - TPI Seminar 2022*Employing Educational Live Action Role-playing Games to Train Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration - Nordic Digra 2023*Playing Dead: How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love Larping Again - KP 2023*Playing Dead: How Role-Play Game Experiences Can Influence Player's DAP-R - PoP GGC 2023*Cultivating a Soulful and Sustainable Academic Journey - Kaunas University's 7th International PhD Summer School 2023*Imagination Is Free: How Tabletop RPGs Are Creating Uncensored Exploratory Play Spaces for Iranian Youth - GENeration Analog 2023*Philosophies of Psychological Safety in Analog Role-playing Game Discourses - DiGRA Italia 2023*The Value of Gamification and the Potential of Serious Games - Playful by Design: Transformative Approaches to Game Design, Lisbon 2024.*Transformative Role-Playing Game Theory - International Game Studies Campfire: Game Studies Campfire, Shanghai China, Mar. 2024. 2017
